Thursday, February 4, 2010

Women Aren't Funny

Sitting in my college course today, I got to thinking about comedians again. After a string of thoughts, I somehow got to the point where I was desperately trying to name a decent female comedian. I couldn't do it. Sarah Silvercunt is NOT funny. She stands there behind a mic and says things in a monotone voice that are meant to be so shocking that they are hilarious (but they aren't). Silvercunt stands there and says "look at me I'm a Jew" and expects to get laughs...her looks are the one and only thing that keeps her popular.

The same can be said for Margaret Cho, whose greates accomplishment was her "eat me out" song. Kathy Griffen is even worse; I'm sure she gets booed out of every bar she ever goes to perform standup. Here's Cho's only decent bit :

But its not just female profession comedians; its women in general. Women simply aren't funny. They just aren't. They just rely on men for entertainment such as comedy, amongst basically everything else (protection, security, finances, etc.)

Think clearly for a moment: back in high school, do you recall any female class-clowns? I CAN'T. I just recently realized that every single class clown or witty/funny personality in school was a guy 100% of the time (including me), with girls giggling in the background.

The outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens happens to agree with my theory in the video below:

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