Thursday, October 29, 2009

Christian Hatred in America Today

In this country, religion bashing has become the norm in the media and Hollywood. Whether it’s a biased news story or a jab by a lowly comedian such as Sarah Silvercunt, religion is constantly sneered at and looked down upon by elitist liberals.

However, what is meant by “religion bashing”? Are these people bashing random religions for humor? The answer is no. Religious bashing in America seems to only include Christianity. Jesus is the constant butt of every joke and Bible believing Christians are ostracized daily by the likes of Bill Maher, Larry David, and Sarah Silvercunt. (Sarah Silvercunt, the comedian that relies on her Jewish heritage to garner laughs. Sarah Silvercunt, the lanky woman with no body to speak of.)

What is this fascination with Christianity? Why not Islam? Why not bash Hindus? It is well known that this country was founded upon Judaea-Christian values. Christianity can be observed everywhere in the heart of America, from the homes of the citizens to the constitution.

The vast majority of this country identifies as Christian. Yet, when one turns on the television, all they see is Christians being depicted as dunces and fools. The atheists are apparently smarter than any believer. Anyone who is an atheist is accepted as smart and reasoned; anyone who has faith believes the earth is flat.

It is socially acceptable to attack Christians in this country. It is now part of our culture.

The latest example of this was in an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry David, the main character of his own show, urinates on a portrait of Jesus. Even worse, the Christians, meant to look like chimps, are led to believe it’s a miracle because Jesus appeared to have a tear coming out of his eye.

I like Larry David. He is a funny comedian and his show is one of the best on television. But urinating on Jesus is over the top. It is highly offensive, yet he does not seem to care. HBO claims that the material was simply “playful” in a recent statement released by the company.

Or maybe one of the recent episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher, where the terrible female comedian bashes Catholics yet again. That video is below.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Abortion: Not A Woman's Issue

Abortion is by no means a woman's issue. Liberals and the feminists have brainwashed America to believe that it is somehow wrong to tell a woman what she can't do with her body. It may be her body, but at the time of conception there is an actual living human.

Do parents own their children? Or are they simply responsible for them? The arrogance of women never ceases to amaze me. The unborn child inside of her has it's own dna, it's own genes. It is a individual.

In this video I made, I lay out the argument for outlawing abortion. I also point out the hypocrisy and arrogance of women who are pro-choice.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Origins: Why Do We Even Exist?

If you watch tv and absorb information from the government-media complex daily, you may be led to believe that most people are secularist atheists that have no need for religion. Religion will be seen in a negative light, just an excuse for old men to molest children. Religion will be seen as a gateway to war and destruction. Religion will be seen as a leech on society, a belief system that is thousands of years old and is outdated.

While religion is responsible for death and crime, that does not validate atheism or discredit religion entirely. Religion is also reponsible for much good in the world that constantly goes over looked. Whether the essence of each religion is true is irrelevant to me.

Our universe is complex and diverse. Simply by looking up into the sky, we can all see it. The question is not, "Did God create the universe or did the universe create itself?" The proper question is, "What is the more probable scenario?"


Once you strip everything away, what is left? Once you accept the fact that we as humans know nothing, what is left? Humans can only understand those things which can be observed within time and space. Probability is all that remains.

Let's use a simple analogy in nature. There are two wild panthers in the jungle. One panther is a few years older than the other and has more experience in hunting and survival. The other panther is still of age to catch prey, however. Now let's say they both spot a racoon. Which panther will capture and eat the racoon first? Sure, it is within the realm of possibility that the younger less experienced panther could in fact get lucky. But the more likely explanation is that the older panther with capture the racoon first because of it's experience. No one can know for sure which would get to the racoon first, but any rational person would put their money on the older one.

Both atheism and theism are false (in the sense that neither can be empirically proven here and now). The existence of a god cannot be proven. The inexiestince of a god cannot be proven. Once you accept those two statements, what is left? The only truth in this world is that we know nothing for certain. Probability is all that remains and must become the primary system of thought and belief.

Here are my proofs that end the debate on whether or not it is rational to believe in God. #3 is the one that is most questionable by atheists. The reason it is there is simple: every cause has a causation. The only one that isn't explained is the origin of the universe. Therefore, it is more probable that the universe, to, had a cause. To say that the universe did not have a cause goes against this logic. Moreover, it is also worth noting that this causation would have to of been of a higher intelligence, given the complexity of our universe.

1. Neither theism or atheism can be proven.
2. It is possible that the universe either always existed or simply came into existence for no reason.
3. It is more probable that a deity or deities created the universe.
4. Therefore, theism is the most plausible, logical, rational and reasonable explanation for our existence.