Game Changer That Will Favor MenWhat we have in the United States is a full blown matriarchy. In the courtship process, women have all of the power and control. The male must do all of the work, from initiating to being the breadwinner. I've outlined this thoroughly in previous posts. See
hereWhat can a guy do? Women are on such a high pedestal that even average to ugly ones have a multitude of options by default, while it is very easy for an average guy to have nothing at all. The simplest way of putting it is like this: a guy who is a 7 and a woman who is a 7 are not equal in their sexual-market value. The woman will certainly have more options than the guy. There will be flirtatious posts on her facebook wall everyday by random guys just waiting for their chance. She, of course, soaks in all the attention and will certainly continue to chase the alpha male (think "the situation" from Jersey Shore) that already HAS women chasing him. Illogical. She will be approached when she goes to the store, campus, clubs with her friends, bars, wherever. This is an advantage that cannot be stressed enough. The male is expected to have the burden of making the first move, while the woman can sit back and be picky, picky, picky, picky. If the guy says one wrong thing he's out the door. If he calls to early, he's a creep. If he calls to late, well, she's already forgotten him because she has so many
options that his value is nothing. This is the plight of men.
Part of it is feminism, but an even larger part is obesity (see
here ) and demographics; there are many more single men than there are single women in the age categories that are relevant.
1). The first is legislative: Fully Legalized Prostitution. I'm talking Keynesianism for safety/health (STD checks, etc), advertisements on television, and online ordering of hookers. Private businesses could thrive in this new (legal) market.
This will immediately remove all men from the dating pool that are only looking for sex. This in and of itself will decrease the sexual power of women everywhere 10 fold. All of a sudden, you will see less bitchiness less demanding, less superficiality, and less slutiness. American women will no longer be able to get away with these things because they would no longer hold the ultimate trump card over men: vagina. If a guy could buy it at a decent rate, without fear of a sting operation or disease, why go out and try to game/spend money on some undeserved woman?
The only way this can be achieved is politically of course. The Mens Movement needs electable public figures that will fight tooth and nail to get prostitution decriminalized in their respective locales. The entire movement would have to come together...all the PUA's, TFL, DJ's, Nice-guy's, Spearheads, even Incels. If they all were to band together and find leaders to put in public office, then that would be a start.
Sex Robots -
CNET Sex Robot ArticleAs you can read from the article above, sex-bots are becoming a reality.
Once Japan creates and refines a life-like robot that has realistic female body parts and can possibly cook/clean the house, feminism will begin to crumble. It doesn't take much thought to understand why having a sex robot could literally replace women. These robots, however, would certainly have to be made affordable. When the first wave of them hits the market, they will surely have extremely high price tags. Fortunately, as demand grows and technology continues to advance, the sex machines will slowly become affordable and pretty soon, these bots will be in almost every household. Wives will be forced to either give her man more pleasure or accept him getting it from his new robotic girlfriend. Of course, at first, there will be a bit of a stigma against owning one of these machines. This shaming language, which will undoubtedly include "loser", "virgin", "creep", etc, will come mostly from women that know that their sexual power over men is coming to an end.
Just check out the comments from that article. Here are a few:
"And, yes, I believe real people (male and female) are to blame for the dolls. Everyone just cares about themselves these days and this product caters to that. Imagine having your needs met anytime you want without having to consider someone else's?" -celticbrewer
This is simply judgmental. So guys are only allowed the options of either catering to self-entitled princesses or just becoming hermits? Who is this guy to be against such a thing that will not effect his life?
"This is just wrong and creepy on many levels." -gameking23
Shaming language. Judgments, judgments, judgments. I suppose everyone is perfect except this guy, right?
"It's depressing that people have sunk to this level. What kind of person would let a robot replace a person?" -NerdusMaximus
I'm beginning to detect a pattern here... Everyone seems to have an idea in their heads of how others should act, and if you dare deviate from what societies deems as normal, you shall be shamed and insulted. That's how it works, folks.
Male Birth Control - This won't have as much of an effect as the previous 2 game changers, but it will certainly work in men's favor. The ability to screw raw-dog without fear of impregnating the sperm recipient will revolutionize sexual control for men, while lowering the risk of paying her for 18+ years. Women, for whatever reason, seem to have trouble taking their birth control on schedule. They tend to "forget", or swear that it didn't work once they get pregnant. We know these are lies and that girls know they can financially entrap a man by getting pregnant, hence the reason they purposefully do away with their pills from time to time.