Thursday, May 2, 2013

Would Obama Have Been President Without a White Mother?

The political rise of Barack Obama is quite astonishing for any individual. Born into humble beginnings, Obama grew up in Hawaii, attended an elite private school, and was reared by a white woman pursuing a PhD. Ann Dunham is pictured above with her son Barack.

Which brings me to the crux of the issue; that is to say, Obama could not have become president if he was raised by a black woman. No black woman could have produced what this man has become, and it has to do as much with race as it does culture.

To become what Obama did, his upbringing had to have come from a white household. Because in the mind of a white female, race is a non-issue for the most part and where it materializes, it can be ignored and overcome for a colored minority. Barack’s mother of course was well aware of her son’s appearance, coupled with the fact that he would be seen as black in society. But there is a distinct difference between how this single white mother dealt with this reality and how a single black mother would. Had Barack been raised by a single black woman, assuming she was not a ghetto hood-rat, his mentality would have been significantly limited in its ability to grasp the “big picture” of life. And this is precisely because the black point of view is severely limited, while whites know no such boundaries.

To further the point through scenario, take the inevitable “race” conversation that Obama’s hypothetical black mother would have with her mixed-race son. She would of course encourage him to do well in school, and push him to succeed (Again, this is assuming that this mother is at least somewhat educated). However, detrimental seeds of doubt would penetrate young Barack’s mind when his mother brings his race into the conversation. She would first remind him that despite his mixed heritage, he will be seen as black in society, and he will be discriminated against, and he must always keep a watchful eye out for racism directed towards him. She would poison his mind with limited thinking, based on the standards of the past.

The difference is, Barack’s white mother would, by and large, allow him to come to these conclusions on his own. But she would not promote to him the self-defeated attitude of African Americans, for she can neither relate or truly understand what a racial limitation is, due to her white privilege.

Perhaps the largest divider between colored minorities and whites in America is how they perceive race and racism. A situation in which a white individual might find no wrongdoing, or no oppression, can be perceived in the opposite way for a black person. And in many cases the subtle racism or oppression is real, but can only be observed through the lens of a colored minority. Whites, knowing where they lie in the invisible but very real racial hierarchy, do not have need for such worries. Thus, for the most part, whites are content with ignorance in this context; however, it is just as important to acknowledge that ignorance is indeed bliss.

Furthermore, whites understand society through no particular racial scope. Thus, laying the foundation for privilege, because there are no limits in this world for the descendants of European conquerors. Conversely, blacks profoundly understand their race to be crippling; no matter how far they ascend, no matter what they achieve, always will they be the negro. To the Arab, "Abid", to most of the world, "Nigger", the constant reminder of inferiority is ever-upon the blacks, especially the American Blacks, who in addition to being inferior are seen as lower than any other black diaspora in the world. Why is this the case? To be precise, culture. No one respects the American Black, even African nationals from countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Sudan, or Ethiopia. Blacks from Spanish speaking countries share the same venom for American blacks, as do blacks from Middle Eastern countries. The obvious difference between all of these groups and American blacks is culture; everyone seems to have one except for the African American. Is it true? In parting, listen to the words of an Ethiopian, who is black but not American:


Anonymous said...

And the perspective of a white person doesn't confine a person at all, I take it?

We're all confined by our perspective and our upbringing, and it isn't a racial issue, it's a social one. Having a white parent doesn't magically grant you perspective, it changes how you are regarded by society at large, and what you are perceived as being capable of amounting to. It doesn't make you able to see shit others can't, it changes the way others see you and how you are treated. And that's an issue that needs fixing, not some immutable fact of life that will never change and should just be accepted.

Anonymous said...

Jesus...your blog just gets worse and worse. We've gone from ridiculous assessments of women's fuckability to your ignorant racist rantings. Mate - do the world a favour. Dig a hole, crawl in and fucking die. Really.