Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Let's Talk About Socialism
A socialized medical system is one "in which all health personnel and health facilities, including doctors and hospitals, work for the government and draw salaries from the government," an example being the U.S. Veterans Administration, while U.S. Medicare is a single payer system which is not socialized medicine. This is according to medicinenet.com.
The term socialism has been thrown around alot lately. For months, conservative radio hosts have been labeling the president this term.Many of these talk show hosts may be good people. Many may be true conservatives. But when it comes to knowledge and research, they fail miserably.
Lets take Glenn Beck. This hemorrhoid with eyes has been harping, whining, crying, and complaining about socialized medicine for months. But this fool has no idea what socialized medicine is. I already defined socialized medicine. It's not what is in the health care bill.
Now take a look at this video. Here we have the hemorrhoid with eyes saying he would back Hillary Clinton if McCain got the Gop green light. What's interesting about this? Clinton has been a well-known proponent of a universal health care system (ie. socialized medicine) since the Clinton administration. It has been no secret. She even campaigned on it.
So this hemorrhoid is a complete fraud, and conservatives should distance themselves from him, just like his advertisers recently did.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Degenerate Western Women

Decades of radical feminism. Look what we have. A society that is up-side down. A society where the women view the thuggish deadbeat as the hero and the good-hearted male as the boring human wallet. When women chose to be sexually "free", they thereby chose to degrade and destroy our society. I am not only fiscally conservaitve, but socially conservaitve as well.
By conservative I mean a traditional thinker in regards to social interactions with members of the opposite sex. It wasn't too long ago when there were less divorces, unfaithful women, and abortions. The sex revolution and the rise of feminism were not simply a coincidence at the time when western civilization began too slowly decline. Putting women in power, giving women more sexual freedom, and demonizing the natural male have clearly degraded our culture as well as our shared-social reality.
Feminism started innocent and just enough; all they wanted was the right to vote and to get out of the kitchen. The ninetenneth and early twentieth centuries ganar no complaints from me as the first wave of feminism came about. Margaret Sanger, one of the earliest feminists, presented sound arguments and provoked rational thought about equality, suffarage, and reproductive freedom for women.
This however had a snowball effect into what you see when you walk into the mall: undisciplined, spoiled, deranged, dramatic, disrespectful, rude, elitist, controling, caniving, detached, dominearing women from the earliest stages of puberty to the bowels of menopause.
Our very social fabric has been getting thinner every year. The society has devolved into a social realm where women have the immediate and automatic advantage in almost every aspect of social interaction as we know it, as well as post-social interaction. Going down the list, almost every level of the relationship a man has with a woman is rigged from the beginning. Whether the woman is a feminist or a woman who has never heard of feminism is irrelevant; they all benefit and take advantage of the accolades of the feminist movement. The entitlements women demand is not an illusion; it is now and has been a reality, from free dinners to the vaginamony.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Obama The Pacifist

Pacisfism is probably the most dangerous character trait a president can have. When you live in these times, you need strong leaders. Obama is not a strong leader. He may have charisma and powerful words, but he does not have stregnth and powerful actions. Obama has proven time and time again that he is not willing to do what is necessary to defend this country.
The current dilemma with North Korea is appaling. N Korea, at this point, have just been daring Obama to do anything. This communist country led by a physco who rules with an iron fist. Believe me when I say that Kim Jong Il, Hugo Chavez, and the Iranian Hitler all wanted Obama to get elected. We had McCain saying that he'd follow Bin Laden to the gates of hell. With Obama, we have the opposite.
How did this happen? Years ago a man would have a much tougher stance on national security. When we continuously make empty threats to N Korea and they keep calling our bluffs, what does it make us?
Obama's pacifism clearly has come from being raised by a single, fickle mother. This si a problem with single mothers in general. Many studies have shown that most of the men in prison had single mothers. Usually when a child is raised by a single mother, something horrible happens to the child when he grows up. Many become homosexuals, end up in jail, become metrosexuals, or just plain pacifists like Obama.
It will be interesting to see how much other countries test Obama. They already know what they can get away with and will continue to push the envolelope with this weak president.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Man On Wire: Review

This is without doubt the best documentary of the year for 2008. This film follows a rising wire-walker that has an ambitious goal: wire-walk the tallest buildings in the world, the Twin Towers in New York.
The film goes through all the planning and debating between Phillip Petit and his friends on how to get to the top of the building, during construction, with all of their equipment. It was a truly miraculous movie, even though mostly everything was still-photos and re-enactments of what happened.
A truly amazing documentary. This get's a 10/10 from me.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Are The Dissenters of Public Health Care Legitimate?

The leftists have clearly crossed the line at this point. I will concede the point that some angry protesters are completely deranged. Accusing Obama of being born in Kenya is embarrassing to the GOP.
But when fools like Nancy Pelosi casually discard hard working americans as fake protesters. These people are normal people. Normal americans. They are not plants. Their views are genuine and should be respected.
As for the conversation between these two, good points are made. Democrats are trying to diminish concerned citizens. When Bush was in office, the same thing was done but by the liberals.
I think that this is yet another example of arrogance on the part of the Obama administration and the democrats as a whole.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Green Tea Prevents......HIV??

For the past month, I have been addicted to green tea. The taste is certainly superior to any cola out there. Better yet, it seems every time I log on to my computer, I find a new study showcasing the benefits of this tea.
Here's a bizarre conclusion to a recent study: green tea can hinder HIV transmission. According to physorg.com, the medical experts at the University of Heidelberg in Germany have discovered a chemical within green tea that "helps inhibit sexual transmission of the virus which causes AIDS." (Not that I have this disease myself).
Not only can green tea help with that epidemic, it has been found that it can help prevent cancer and heart disease. The benefits of this delicious drink seem endless. The brand shown, that I am drinking currently, contains theanine. Theanine apparently increases the overall level of the brain inhibitory transmitter GABA. GABA regulates muscle tone as well as excitability throughout the nervous system.
Who Has The Better Heath Care Plan?

What is the major issue facing us at the moment? Healthcare. Allow me to explain why this debate is one-sided and has been for a long time.
We have the democrats, who have a clear plan for health care. Obama has stated it clearly for months now. Socialized medicine is not the correct termonology for this. It's more like socialized health insurance. Obama's plan for a government takeover of healthcare, which is 20% of our economy, may very well be in order for the future. But for the present, we are looking at something similar to the post office.
The dems have thrown around the number 50 million for the amount of people without healthcare in this country. We know that America is no where near the top of the rankings around the world when it comes to health care quality. We know that the average life span for americans is much less than other countries, more specifically, socialized countries. This all makes a very persuasive argument for health care reform.
What is wrong with this public option? Well, video has already been unearthed showing Obama claiming that he is for a single payer system, and how he wants to eventually make government run health care the only health care, essentially. The immediate problem with this public option is that most insurance companies will not be able to compete with it. Obama has continued to promise that if you like your current health insurance plan, nothing will change. This, however, is not entirely true. Here's why: employers have control over their worker's heath insurance. Whatever the employer chooses will be what is implemented for the people. It is simply more cost effective to choose the cheaper health plain rather than a more expensive one, lets say Blue Cross or Hap. So emplyees won't have control over their health care if they rely on their job for it, as many citizens do.
The other side of the argument, I am sad to say, is very weak. The republicans have failed to come up with a plan on their own. They have done nothing but stalled this plan. I can't understand why no one in the republican party has come out and articulated a plan for reform as well as Obama has.
This problem goes much deeper than lack of organization. The GOP still has no real leadership, and that is why they have no plans. They only have road blocks. I would say that Rush Limbaugh is the leader, but I haven't seen much leadership from him.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Who Was the Greatest President?

William Howard Taft embodies everything a president should be. His actions should be the model for every future president: quiet, honest, effective politics. Let me explain what I mean by “quiet”. Quiet would be the opposite of what our current president is doing. America should not see their leader’s face every other day but rather the fruits of their leadership. One example of Taft’s dedication to running the country the right way was a brilliant comment he made in an interview with a reporter. Taft had been receiving increased pressure from Roosevelt to be more of a “celebrity” president. When the reporter remarked about Taft being “no Roosevelt”, Taft replied: “try to accomplish just as much without any noise". This shows he had the right idea on how to run a country.
An honest president is obviously a must. However, very few presidents are. There is something about Taft that came off as genuine. He became an outcast in the congress by having a quiet conservative way of ruling. Taft was meeker than any other president to date. Public service is the technical definition of a politician and therefore politicians should be humble. I don’t recall any of them being humble except for Taft. Most presidents are ego-maniacs that don’t revere the phrase: pride comes before the fall. Taft was a true servant of the people, and that is why he is better than any other president. Upon leaving office he made a comment that showed his transparency, something that Obama lied about having. “I felt like a fish out of water”. This quote alone proves what kind of president Taft was. It showcases his meekness, humility, and honesty.
As for effectiveness his work speaks for itself. Anytime congress and the previous president shun you, there is a good chance you are doing something right.
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