Friday, August 21, 2009

The Degenerate Western Women

Decades of radical feminism. Look what we have. A society that is up-side down. A society where the women view the thuggish deadbeat as the hero and the good-hearted male as the boring human wallet. When women chose to be sexually "free", they thereby chose to degrade and destroy our society. I am not only fiscally conservaitve, but socially conservaitve as well.

By conservative I mean a traditional thinker in regards to social interactions with members of the opposite sex. It wasn't too long ago when there were less divorces, unfaithful women, and abortions. The sex revolution and the rise of feminism were not simply a coincidence at the time when western civilization began too slowly decline. Putting women in power, giving women more sexual freedom, and demonizing the natural male have clearly degraded our culture as well as our shared-social reality.

Feminism started innocent and just enough; all they wanted was the right to vote and to get out of the kitchen. The ninetenneth and early twentieth centuries ganar no complaints from me as the first wave of feminism came about. Margaret Sanger, one of the earliest feminists, presented sound arguments and provoked rational thought about equality, suffarage, and reproductive freedom for women.

This however had a snowball effect into what you see when you walk into the mall: undisciplined, spoiled, deranged, dramatic, disrespectful, rude, elitist, controling, caniving, detached, dominearing women from the earliest stages of puberty to the bowels of menopause.

Our very social fabric has been getting thinner every year. The society has devolved into a social realm where women have the immediate and automatic advantage in almost every aspect of social interaction as we know it, as well as post-social interaction. Going down the list, almost every level of the relationship a man has with a woman is rigged from the beginning. Whether the woman is a feminist or a woman who has never heard of feminism is irrelevant; they all benefit and take advantage of the accolades of the feminist movement. The entitlements women demand is not an illusion; it is now and has been a reality, from free dinners to the vaginamony.

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