Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Who Has The Better Heath Care Plan?

What is the major issue facing us at the moment? Healthcare. Allow me to explain why this debate is one-sided and has been for a long time.

We have the democrats, who have a clear plan for health care. Obama has stated it clearly for months now. Socialized medicine is not the correct termonology for this. It's more like socialized health insurance. Obama's plan for a government takeover of healthcare, which is 20% of our economy, may very well be in order for the future. But for the present, we are looking at something similar to the post office.

The dems have thrown around the number 50 million for the amount of people without healthcare in this country. We know that America is no where near the top of the rankings around the world when it comes to health care quality. We know that the average life span for americans is much less than other countries, more specifically, socialized countries. This all makes a very persuasive argument for health care reform.

What is wrong with this public option? Well, video has already been unearthed showing Obama claiming that he is for a single payer system, and how he wants to eventually make government run health care the only health care, essentially. The immediate problem with this public option is that most insurance companies will not be able to compete with it. Obama has continued to promise that if you like your current health insurance plan, nothing will change. This, however, is not entirely true. Here's why: employers have control over their worker's heath insurance. Whatever the employer chooses will be what is implemented for the people. It is simply more cost effective to choose the cheaper health plain rather than a more expensive one, lets say Blue Cross or Hap. So emplyees won't have control over their health care if they rely on their job for it, as many citizens do.

The other side of the argument, I am sad to say, is very weak. The republicans have failed to come up with a plan on their own. They have done nothing but stalled this plan. I can't understand why no one in the republican party has come out and articulated a plan for reform as well as Obama has.

This problem goes much deeper than lack of organization. The GOP still has no real leadership, and that is why they have no plans. They only have road blocks. I would say that Rush Limbaugh is the leader, but I haven't seen much leadership from him.

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