Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let's Talk About Socialism

A socialized medical system is one "in which all health personnel and health facilities, including doctors and hospitals, work for the government and draw salaries from the government," an example being the U.S. Veterans Administration, while U.S. Medicare is a single payer system which is not socialized medicine. This is according to medicinenet.com.

The term socialism has been thrown around alot lately. For months, conservative radio hosts have been labeling the president this term.Many of these talk show hosts may be good people. Many may be true conservatives. But when it comes to knowledge and research, they fail miserably.

Lets take Glenn Beck. This hemorrhoid with eyes has been harping, whining, crying, and complaining about socialized medicine for months. But this fool has no idea what socialized medicine is. I already defined socialized medicine. It's not what is in the health care bill.

Now take a look at this video. Here we have the hemorrhoid with eyes saying he would back Hillary Clinton if McCain got the Gop green light. What's interesting about this? Clinton has been a well-known proponent of a universal health care system (ie. socialized medicine) since the Clinton administration. It has been no secret. She even campaigned on it.

So this hemorrhoid is a complete fraud, and conservatives should distance themselves from him, just like his advertisers recently did.

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